In order to improve the National Museum of China's ability to deal with emergencies, recently, the National Museum held a staff first aid skills training activities in the West Hall to popularize first aid knowledge and provide employees with the skills of cardiopulmonary resuscitation operations. More than 200 employees participated in the training.
Chen Zhi, director of the First Aid Training Center of the Beijing Emergency Medical Center, was invited to deliver the training, which was divided into theoretical explanations, simulation demonstrations, teaching, interaction and skill assessment. Director Chen Zhi introduced the basic knowledge of emergency medical care in easy-to-understand language and explained in detail the steps of CPR, especially the use of the “life-saving device” AED, through operation demonstrations and step-by-step demonstrations. The trainees took turns to operate, and the trainer corrected any incorrect or inadequate operation. Finally, all the trainees participated in the skills assessment, and those who passed the assessment will receive the corresponding first-aid certificate.
The trainees said that the training was very meaningful: they had a comprehensive understanding of the basic emergency medical care and primary operations; they basically mastered the skills of rescuing themselves and others, which can save other’s lives at critical moments. Many employees who had not registered for the training also came to the scene to observe and learn. This activity improved the overall level of our services to the audience and our efforts in building a safe museum.