On August 19, Wang Chunfa, director of the National Museum of China, held talks with Derya Arslangedikli, the Culture and Tourism Counsellor at the Turkish Embassy in China during their visiting. Both sides exchanged views on such matters as academic exchange and exhibition cooperation. Ding Peng, deputy director of the National Museum of China, participated in the talks.

Wang Chunfa welcomed the delegation led by Derya and introduced the basic situation of the National Museum of China to the guests. The National Museum of China is the largest single body museum in the world with 48 exhibition halls, with 20 exhibitions currently being exhibited simultaneously. Derya said that she hadbeen paying close attention to the innovative measures taken by the National Museum of China against the Covid-19 epidemic since she took office in June of this year.She hopes to promote the exchange activities between relevant Turkish organizations and the National Museum of China by seizing the opportunity of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Turkey.

During the talks, Wang Chunfa proposed that the National Museum of China should strengthen the cooperation with the Turkish cultural organizations and museums under the coordination of Turkey Embassy in China, and hold exchange exhibitions around themes like Islamic culture and the blue-and-white porcelain made during the Yuan Dynasty of China collected by Turkey. Derya is positive that the suggestion of the director will help to strengthen the mutual understanding of the peoples of China and Turkey. She promised to report it to the Culture and Tourism Ministry of Turkey as soon as possible, and contact relevant museums and cultural relics research institutions in Turkey to actively realize the cooperation in holding exhibitions.

After the talks, the delegation headed by Derya visited the basic display of "Ancient China". She mentioned that during this visit to the exhibition, she appreciated the precious cultural relics in different historical periods, and got a better understanding of the long history of the Chinese nation and long-standing Chinese civilization. If possible, she will visit the museum again to experience the Chinese culture and the cultural relics in a more detailed manner, she added.