Wu Weishan is a famous contemporary sculptor and a?correspondent member?of the?French Academy?of Fine?Arts. In the 1990s, he distinguished himself with his sharpness in learning and discretion in thinking and made determined efforts to cast landmarks of the times by sculpting historic figures to convey lofty historical values. He creates sculptures mainly based on freehand work which carries on the tradition of Chinese culture and art, and makes breakthroughs in the stylized language of Western sculptures. He is the first to have advocated the concept of freehand sculpture. Mr. Ji Xianlin applauded him for “making sculptures for the times and for the culture”. On the basis of such grand and profound aesthetic pattern, Wu Weishan, from the frontier of theoretical innovation, has created a language conforming to the law of artistic expression, built the contemporary sculpture language system rooted in traditional Chinese culture, and become one of the iconic figures of contemporary Chinese sculpture.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the cultural and artistic work is in essence for educating and edifying purposes. The literary and artistic workers should keep abreast of the times, take the people-centered approach, create excellent works for the people and set examples with their virtues. Wu Weishan’s works are consistent; they follow the contemporary trend, center on the people and keep abreast of the times. Whether the standing statues of Marx and Engels in reflection or the lifelike sculptures of artists, scientists, model workers and ordinary people, all of them reflect the sculptor is always ready to get prompts and inspirations for artistic creation from all conceivable sources.